Looking back... Announcement - 2012:  Gilman Group is Changing its Name!

As 2011 comes to a close and 2012 lights up the horizon, we are taking this opportunity to open a new chapter in the life of our company, as well.

For more than18 years, we’ve been known as the Gilman Group – doing retail website design and managed hosting for small/medium businesses and member-based organizations. We have watched the Internet grow and mature, and we have partnered with many fine people in our industry over the years. Our clients’ businesses have opened and closed and a few have moved on; but a surprising number of them still remain with us, and we are grateful for their support.

Effective January 2012, we will now officially be known as HoffmanWeb Solutions & Marketing – better reflecting what we provide our clients. Our services have evolved to focus on helping our clients USE their website to best advantage. We are all about being there for the long run – helping clients convert shoppers into customers and browsers into business dollars. Yes, we still design websites, but as our clients’ needs have changed so has the way we deliver our services. So we felt that a new name was in order.

So we hope you will browse our website, get to know us; and, if we can be of service, we hope you will let us know.

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